Week art work and other news!

Hey guys!

I am very happy with the recent results.

The game at Newgrounds hit nearly 5,000 views in less than a week. LoL

We also had the entry of new supporters in Patreon and it makes me very happy. Public recognition and support shows that I'm on a good path to game development.

Well, as I've posted, I'm dedicating myself to developing the arcs of the characters and studying the feasibility of continuing with the inductor. People have also asked me to create more scenes with Nagie and Lisa. I'll work on it.

I'll update the Patreon page too, put the new projects in the spotlight. A lot of work ahead but very happy too.

The project status follows:

The Sexpsons

1.5 Blondie Scenes 100%
1.6 Ms. Kamajula Arc 15%
1.7 MS. Krababell cum scenes --

Dragon Ass Ball Z

0.1 Battle module 15%

Some week artwork:
