Ms. Kamajula Arc

Hey guys!

I finished the code and implementation of Mandy's dialogues.

I've been working on Mrs. Kamajula Sutra arc.

As I posted, I have already developed the drawings. Missing code and dialogs.

I started deploying as interactions. The idea is this:

After talking to a Miss. Kamajula (mix between Majula and Kamasutra) it is possible to go to the Rusty Burger and find Apu Sutra banging Mandy. This can happen on Wednesdays and Fridays. I put a code for a chance in three.

Even today, I'm going to fill in the new game The Sexpsons 1.2. When I only played the game I had the impression that most of the fans did not see it. So, help me on Newgrounds to get five star S2.

Help to get the submission! :D
