A week for the launch of the new version. Developing the code and design. Missing a week to the dead line that was established. And there is still much work to do. I have worked in the harvest. I intend to finish this part at least. In fact, I would like to develop the furry creation system yet. I do not know whether to give time. I have had several ideas to improve the code. But this implies rewrite it. For now my goal is to deliver a functional game. Even if run with bugs, I want to introduce a more developed form and then turn to the details. It's a tough choice, but what can I do as a team of one person. Maize harvesting system is ready. Necessary to improve the sales system. After I intend to change the name of the game, and the blog page on Patreon. Then I develop the part of the creation of the furry. So that's it, here are some images of the new design of the barn, building and tool room.
A week for the launch of the new version. Developing the code and design. Missing a week to the dead line that was established. And there is still much work to do. I have worked in the harvest. I intend to finish this part at least. In fact, I would like to develop the furry creation system yet. I do not know whether to give time. I have had several ideas to improve the code. But this implies rewrite it. For now my goal is to deliver a functional game. Even if run with bugs, I want to introduce a more developed form and then turn to the details. It's a tough choice, but what can I do as a team of one person. Maize harvesting system is ready. Necessary to improve the sales system. After I intend to change the name of the game, and the blog page on Patreon. Then I develop the part of the creation of the furry. So that's it, here are some images of the new design of the barn, building and tool room.
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